27 Favourite Moments Of My 27th Birthday 

digital marketing workshop

*Cue the gasp*

Wait, you’re 27 years old?

Umm, yeah?

I mean, I know I sound like a 16-year-old sometimes, and sometimes my heart is still innocent, naïve and optimistic. But yes I am now 27. It feels funny saying it, to be honest, it doesn’t feel any different.

When I turned 25 that felt different. When I turned 26 that too felt different. When I turned 27, eh… I kind of had to remind myself that I am 27 and not 26.

Like 25th stood for something. It’s apparently (one of) the most important times in a person’s life. You are neither too young nor too old, you are at the prime of your youth where the whole world is your oyster to enjoy. You have all this time and energy to do things that can account for something. Being 25 sounds like a lot of pressure, doesn’t it?

Well, when I turned 25, all these expectations kind of loomed before me. And I guess it struck me in a positive way because I felt like doing something worthwhile to commemorate such an age shift. Personally, that meant realizing a lifelong goal. Something I have always wanted to do but never really pushed myself enough to do it.

So, I wrote a book.

Yep, for my 25th birthday, I gifted myself with the title of ‘author’. And it felt so good. Oh my god, I was so proud of myself. It automatically turned into a really good birthday, with or without the tertiary celebrations. And because that sense of accomplishment felt so gratifying, I decided to do something for every birthday, post that. The realization of one goal. No matter how small.

So when I turned 26, I decided to spend my birthday (or most of it) alone. Just for the premise to understand what it felt like when I didn’t have to depend on anyone to make me happy. The expectation to have a really good birthday (umm, pressure) apparently depends on how eventful a birthday is. And me being the dork I am, I (maybe) plan my own birthday But as it turned out none of my friends were free to celebrate with me. It didn’t mean they didn’t care. They were just busy with adult life things. So what? I was going to celebrate my own birthday. And boy, was it the best decision I made.

Naturally, when 27 rolled around, I had to do something yet again. But this birthday was somehow the culmination of everything I wasn’t expecting. I did plan a few things, I didn’t plan a few things. I had enough control over the restaurants I got to pick, but was still left with a happy element of surprise.

So, in the best ways I could, I wanted to share with you my favourite moments of my 27th birthday. And also to be able to properly thank everyone who made it one of the most overwhelmingly happy birthdays I have ever had.

(Also because FB thanks-for-the-wishes statuses are so mainstream.)

Naturally, all this happened within a stretch of a few days. I wish my birthday had more than 24 hours. But your girl ain’t complaining. 

1. Starting off the weekend with the best, juiciest, savoury-est burgers ever. Having a fond tradition with your camera-shy younger brother. (Who sometimes acts like your older brother too.)

2. Getting your hair done. Even if it meant accidentally coloring your hair a k-popy vibe. But of course, it’s not like anyone would notice my roots. The benefits of being tall, you see.

3. Re-writing happy moments with happier ones. 

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4. And of course, their ability to know exactly what I want for my birthday is pretty astounding.

5. Also! Let’s not forget how you guys make every meeting a memorable one with your unhealthy capacity of taking too many pictures that we can laugh and get nostalgic over once we turn into old grumpy aunties.

6. The BEST birthday feast, made possible by your best friend’s mother. The cuisine is called Malayali (I hope I got that right), and the variety blew my mind. From mango curry to coconut prawns, to pork with raw bananas and chicken stew. It was nothing short of perfect.

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7. When your best friend pretends to look for something in the kitchen and comes out with apple cake and dessert. Thank you for giving me more reasons to call you my best friend. And how lucky I am that you think I deserve to be your… between a good friend and best friend. Hehe. Also, your mom is destined to be an Instagrammer.

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8. Fluffy dresses were designed to disguise your food belly. Thank god for poofy dresses, that make you look good, and lets you happily stuff your face. Double win!

9. Waking up early for 3 days in a row. Excluding your birthday morning. Allowing you to experience more of your day because of how eventful it was.

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10. Working from home on a Monday! Having office folks who have your back. It’s more important than you think and often goes unnoticed.

11. Birthday dinner with my boooiiis! Thank you for the presents, thank you for taking the time on a Monday. And being there even if it was just to eat free cake. :3

12. Snap, snap, shimmy. You know who you are!
13. Notebooks as presents and books with notes inside them as presents :3

14. When your handbag and shoes match. When your hair and skin co-operates. When your eye makeup behaves and your eyeliner is a passable wing. Bless. 

15. Getting birthday phone calls at 12am! Yes, I am an early sleeper and I may not believe in the whole wishing someone at 12am counts as a birthday thing. But, it’s still nice that some people do so. Missed calls count!

16. Waking up to a slow birthday where you spend 3 hours in bed. Just… doing random things, writing, watching a movie, catching up on youtube, reading. No pressure to be anywhere, no pressure to do anything.

17. Getting birthday calls/texts from the people that matter no matter how far away they may be. Or whatever time it might have been.

18. Going birthday shopping for… stationary! Because… Umm, hello. I don’t need to explain myself

19. Spending a quiet happy moment with yourself on your birthday.

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20. Getting the most unexpected birthday gifts from your very talented friends. Like what is this art! And getting previews to birthday gifts 2.0!

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21. Birthday dinner with the family!

22. Already knowing that my 28th birthday gift to myself is going to be. Knowing this one is going to take a while to accomplish, so better start soon!
23. 4 different birthday cakes. Umm… Wow.

24. And finally, the biggest birthday gift to myself was conducting a blogging workshop! It’s been something I have wanted to do for years now. Where I talked about the various ways you can start a blog, increase your traffic and also earn money! It was extremely humbling, and close-knit as you can see. So happy and thankful for everyone who came.

25. I have a degree in business marketing. But somehow my mom’s methods of marketing my workshop proved to be much more useful than the ideas I had in mind. And they were free too! So honestly, to those who don’t go to their mothers for advice as often enough, should. It won’t only pleasantly surprise you but would also humble you to realize that they know more than you give them credit for.

27th birthday post

26. So clearly I was over the edge because of my workshop. A kind of nervous excitement I couldn’t get to simmer down. So obviously, I couldn’t sleep. But when my workshop ended and I had the best NAP I have had in a long while. The kind of nap where you wake up feeling like the world is set afresh, and there is a new sense of purpose and energy to your step- you get what I mean. 

27. And of course, the SUPPORT to have people share your event, reply and encourage you to do what you love was fantastic. Thank you to the friends who came, to the friends who bought tickets from continents away, to the people who wished you all the luck and celebrated this small win as their own. Thank you from the bottom of my bottom. (My bottom is bigger than my heart, you see)

The funny thing about all this is, I wasn’t expecting ANY of it. And I usually have a very hectic birthday. Which I obviously plan for most. I am overwhelmed and a little confused as to what I did to be so lucky to call you my friends & family. Karma is a good thing I suppose.

So here we have it, I can write a book about how thankful I am to have you people in my life. But I hope that this extended blog post was good enough. (I had to pick 27 moments, to be honest. Goes with the title and all that :P)

But more than anything, happy birthday to you hyper, crazy woman. Here is to another unexpected year of magical, happy moments that make you more grateful for the life you have and the people in it. :)

May every birthday make you feel like on top of the universe,

Niki :)